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  1. those all look so good, I would love to try the sweet potato lasagna, but no I would be the only eating it. sighs… I MUST men plan otherwise I would spend more money thanI should.

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my recipe! I think thhe quinoa lasagna is a perfect make-ahead, weeknight meal! 😉 I def plan ahead and do all my prep work every Sunday. I just don’t have time during the week and don’t want to be eating cereal all week long..although there’s nothing wrong with that from time to time!

  3. Pingback: Apple Crumb Cake |
  4. Hi, Katie! This is a very useful post because Mrs. Shady loves to cook and to try new recipes. She and I enjoy healthy choices and I see a few here, namely the Chicken Enchilada Soup and the Baked Potato Soup. We are both fond of sweet potatoes and therefore I will also show Mrs. Shady the Sweet Potato Lasagna recipe. Thank you, dear friend!

  5. Menu planning is something that I struggle with and need to focus more on. Thanks for the many great recipes! Also – it’s been a while seen I’ve been here and I LOVE your new header and blog design – so glad to hear that your shop is doing so well too . Thanks for the Monday morning inspiration!

    1. Hi Monica, so nice to have you stop by, Thank you for the compliment, I made a few changes for the new year. I love working on other peoples blogs but this year I decided I need to do a little something extra to mine too, Hugs

  6. I never do plan completely ahead. I usually try my best when I go to the grocery store to know the types of meals I am making during the week and weekend, but still I usually have enough supplies on hand in my pantry to change it up slightly if I decide to. These meals looks delicious and I have a recipe for Chicken Chili that I have been dying to try here, too, but my husband keeps wanting beef and don’t have the to say know. Hopefully soon though 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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