meal planning recipes

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  1. Thanks for sharing my Weight Watchers Breakfast Biscuits! I know the feeling on waiting for tests – my prayers are with you!
    Cathy @ APeekIntoMyParadise

  2. Thanks for featuring my Lasagna Chili, it’s a great comfort food! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait on the results of your MRI. Sending happy thoughts your way!

    Robin @ Fluster Buster

    1. Dear Carol, I am so sorry to learn of your time at the ER. Good news that you are on the mend and thank you for your prayers and friendship. Hoping your health continues to improve also. xo

  3. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks for featuring my chicken and rice soup. It’s freezing here again today so I’m thinking of making another pot, lol. You know my prayers and thoughts are with you today.
    Warm hugs to you my friend,

  4. Thank you so much Katherine for featuring my Sweet Meyer Lemon Muffins. I am glad to know that you liked it as much as I did! Also thank you for hosting such a great link party every week, I do look forward to it!

    Raven J.

  5. Hi Katherine, these are some gorgeous recipes. Happy Monday to you. We are approaching lunch time here in Ireland. Sending thoughts and prayers to you.


Love each other as God loves you xo

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