make it monday week twenty four

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  1. HI Katherine! Thank you so much for featuring my pumpkin butter this week 😀 …This just made my day. Thank you so very much ^_^

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Definitely some neat things on this list. That fuzzy pumpkin is very unique… gonna check that out for sure. And the beef pot pies – they would be a hit in my house:)

  3. Katherine…thank you so much for choosing to feature my Home-Made Apple Tarts ….what a nice thing to wake up to on a Monday morning….love

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my super easy DIY dog collars from recycled shirts. I think Izzy would look fabulous in one! 🙂

  5. I left a comment, but not sure what happened to it. But definitely keep me posted about the cookie recipe holiday linkup, as I have posted more then my far share over the last few years of holiday cookie recipes and would love to join in. Happy Monday Katie 🙂 xoxo!!

  6. I have a few holiday recipes on my blog from the few years I have been blogging now. So, sounds like fun what you are doing and keep me posted about joining in! Happy Monday, Katie 🙂 xoxo!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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