2015 blogging goals

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  1. Pingback: Wake Up Wednesday #51 | Epic Mommy Adventures
  2. Happy New Year, Katie! I like the food photography idea. It is something I am continually working on as well. You are a dear bloggy friend and I wish you all the best in the new year. Hugs!

  3. Hello Katie! Coming by to thank you for all your love and support. We wish you much happiness, health and continued success in the coming year. So happy to know you. Hugs always ~ denise

  4. Katherine you are amazing, your blog has that warm and fuzzy feeling about it. I wish that my could even be a teeny bit like yours. You have blessed my life and given me answers to blogging queations when I have needed it. I can’t thank you enough. Have a awesome weekend. XX Jo

  5. Happy New Year to you! I love reading your blog. Those sound like great goals for your blog. I am finding out that consistency is key, thus my goal is to try to blog more often.

  6. I have so many blogging goals myself this year. One of the first things I am doing is attending my very first blogging conference! I am attending the BASH Conference in a short 12 days! I am excited and nervous! I started out the year with a new headshot, a new logo and new business cards! I am ready to take on the world! Best Wishes for the new year and for all your goals!

  7. Hi Katherine, Your post for the new year is wonderful and I can relate in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas~ also for stopping by and your sweet comment and new following on my blog and also pinterest. I have been lacking there due to being so busy with my etsy shoppe but I hope to do more pinning in the new year. I said, I hope!! LOL
    Anyway, wishing you a special new year filled with happy creating and fun blogging.
    Blessings to you for 2015!!

  8. Happy New Year Katherine! You have great goals for your blog dear, wow, and I also know you will keep them. Your blog and ideas are always fun and I am looking forward to it this new year.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Katherine, thank you for sharing your goals. I started blogging last August so this is very helpful. Always look forward to reading and partying with you! Blessing for 2015, Pam @everydayliving.me

  10. Your consistency inspires me…I need to do better….love your Favorite Things blog hop …. I think the food photography is a great idea…always need to learn more… actually, I need to learn my new camera! HA! Happy New Year!

  11. Today is my day to devote time to Goal Setting for 2015. Not resolutions, just things in my online life and personal life that I want to channel my energies toward. I find if I don’t do this, I go through the days without any clear direction and ‘waste’ a lot of time. Congrats on your goal setting, and here’s to the best 2015 we can make!

  12. I am so blessed! Thank you so much for such a GREAT and amazing prize. You have made my furry buddies very happy! Oh….and you have made me VERY happy! What a great way to start the new year. I truly appreciate this….God bless everyone, and Happy New Year!
    Dawn M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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