new uses for old things 4

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  1. Katherine, I love your new uses for old things. That is brilliant and the explanations and pictures were perfect. I haven’t tried the tennis ball, nylon dryer sheet trick and that sounds amazing and I bet it smells wonderful. Thank you Katherine for being so sweet to link up to the Party and I’ll share this on my fb page this week, xo Lisa at Concord Cottage

  2. Great idea for the cutting boards! I just bought a bill sorter at the Target dollar spot thinking I would find SOME way to use it, so this give me some inspiration! Thanks:)

  3. Here in Britain they have toast racks at flea markets; Brits prefer their toast cold or something. Anyhow I use a toast rack on my desk to hold notebooks and scratch paper. A coffee mug hold my pens and pencils; another holds sewing tools and yet another all my crochet hooks. If I didn’t have spare coffee mugs, decorated tin cans are another obvious choice. Toilet paper rolls go around gift wrap rolls or get cut in half and filled with potting soil to start seedlings. I grind up my egg shells to add to our compost (they take much longer to break down than veggie clippings and look like litter to me, so ground up solves that). Chocolate box ‘innards’ and egg cartons have served as jewelry holders. Muffin tins could as well, but I tend to use those to freeze things like tomato sauce (from commercial sized tins) or left over wine, rather than the dinky little ice cube trays. I buy second hand curtains at thrift shops. The outsides can be made into tote bags and given as gifts. The muslin lining I use to sew a ‘muslin’ experiment with a new pattern. All fabric scraps are sorted by colour into shoe boxes and they become patchwork projects. Can’t remember the last time I threw out a shoe box or the last time I bought a plastic box. About mid summer we start saving boxes from all sorts up in the loft; handy for wrapping Christmas gifts that don’t come with their own box. I used to nab the large envelopes that were posted to my workplace, saving them from the trash; cut open and used inside out they were a great size for wrapping many of the parcels I sent home. Plastic boxes that veggies sometimes come in are great for organizing the cosmetics drawer. On a winter walk I rescued a broken umbrellas someone had discarded. I stitched it to the back of a hand towel and had a perfect bath mat for when we go camping in the motor home.

  4. I love the idea about the napkin holders, I’d even consider getting one for a similar purpose, as my one and only is still very much used for napkins. Yes, I only have one of most things, besides clothing teehee.

    I’ll have to check out the other posts in this series.

    Alex – funky jumgle

  5. These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing. I really love the one about the bill holder for the cutting boards. And I also love your new blog design. 🙂

  6. Great ideas! My latest re-purposing was to re-use the plastic cover that a comforter arrived in. I use it to store linens so that the moths can’t munch!

  7. These are all really clever, love it!! I like when you can use something for more than one thing. Have a gorgeous weekend my dear, I hope you keep warm and have fun!! Xxx

Love each other as God loves you xo

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