Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 174
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 174
It’s Time for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 174 and I can’t wait to see what you link up this week.♥ My favorite thing this week is…Izzy sleeping on my leg during meditation. I had the camera close by so I managed to take a quick snap.
Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is where you can link your favorite post of the week, or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. This hop is hosted and posted on 4 different blogs! Please follow all of your hostesses. Your link will appear on the blogs of Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Model Savings and Vintage Mama. Four times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.
• Please DO NOT link and run…….please visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here today.
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links to your blog.
• Remember to Follow Your hostesses– Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 , Model Savings and Vintage Mama
• Please leave comments when you visit, let them know you are visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop ♥
• No adult content blogs.
• No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)
♥ Optional- Linkback on your post and/or Grab the hop button code from the button page at Katherines Corner. Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing). Please add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too! Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherines Corner permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, pinterest and as Make It Monday feature on Katherines Corner.♥
Lets HOP♥
Your Izzy reminded me immediately of my Peluci, so I linked to his story and how he actually saved me
Hi Katie, I’m going to try to do better this year, than I did last year about posting for Thursday’s Favorite.
Stopping by to link my valentine cookie recipe and to wish you a very nice weekend. thanks for another amazing party.. Hugs Maria
P.S Stop by if you have a few at Fabulous Friday, love to have you again.
Hi! Thanks for reminding us how much fun it is to party at KCs! Hope all is well friend.
Thanks so much for hosting Katherine! It was great to “meet” you on Monday at our Something to Talk About Party. Hugs, CoCo
Hello Katherine, I love the picture of the cute dog in the lap! Thanks for the party and for the great ideas here today. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
Thanks for the party, Katherine! Have a great weekend!
Hello cute lady! I love being a part of your party each week. Thank you for featuring us! Please take a moment to join our party . We would love to party with you,again! Happy Thursday! Lou Lou Girls
Thank you so much for hosting! I am new to your party and so happy to find some new blogs! <3
Hello Katherine! What an adorable picture of Izzy. Thank you hosting this fun party! Have a great day.
Thanks for the party. Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend. Tina
Precious shot of Izzy sleeping with you while you meditate. He must have been totally relaxed. Happy Thursday my sweet friend. xoxo
Izzy is so darn adorable!!! Mr. Bentley says ‘Hi!’ Thank you for hosting, Katherine! Have a great weekend!
What an amazing blog hop! I am so glad I found this thank you Rachel X.
Thanks for the party ladies! izzy is sooo cute!
Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!
Thanks for hosting this link party… so many great posts!!
Thank you for the party! Nice to be in such a great company!
Happy Thursday! Thanks for hosting another great party!
– Nancy On The Home Front
Thanks so much for the party!!
Hope you are having a great week and here’s to a great weekend full of love and happiness!
Thanx Katherine for the great party, it is great as always. I’ll get that info to you soon, I’ve been in the hospital. Sorry! Jo
Pupperinis are such wonderful pets! Thank you for a lovely party!
Thank you for the linky!! I love all the V Day ideas and treats!! Great way to spend my night! Have a wonderful Thursday!! xx Ashleigh @SimplyWright
Hi Katherine! Thank you for hosting the linkup. Hope you are having a great week!
Hi Katherine, how are you? I agree that Izzy in your lap would be my favorite thing too. I love our fur babies so that is always a wonderful thing and if you can meditate too bravo!! Thank you for hosting a wonderful party again and have a great week, Lisa
Thanks for hosting ladies! I have to come back to check other yummy links posted here…
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks so much for the party Katherine, your dog is such a sweetie! They just love it when you sit still long enough for them to get comfy! Precious!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine. I love that picture!
Thanks for the party! Hope your having a great week.
Thanks for the party! Izzy looks so comfy :). Have a great rest of your week!
Thank you for hosting another great party! I appreciate you allowing me to share. Have a great weekend and I will see you next week!
Aww, Izzy is adorable and can so see how she would be your favorite thing this week. Thanks so much for hosting again this week my wonderful friend xoxo
Thanks to all the ladies for hosting each week. Fun party!!! Have a beautiful week.
Thank you for hosting lovely lady.
Hi Katie! Thank you so much to you and the ladies for hosting – enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend!
Thanks so much for hosting, sweet Katherine!
Have a great week,