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  1. Big thanks for sharing our early Thanksgiving table Katherine! We’ll miss my mom, but she’s having a great time in the warmth of Texas, and we have lots of snow and 15 degrees here!

  2. Thanks for hosting this awesome party and the giveaway! I’ve bought several crochet patterns, wooden tags, and a yarn tensioner from Etsy. Have a great weekend!!

  3. Such beautiful Thanksgiving table settings. I have toddlers at my table, so I can never set a table so pretty, but I enjoy seeing them in photographs. Thanks for the party. I’m #’s 139, 140, and 141

  4. All those tables are gorgeous Katherine – nice choices! I found something from every one that I want to try out. 🙂 And I’m so glad you’re going to take some time off to celebrate the holiday. Thank you so much for hosting (I’m linked at #84,) and I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  5. Katherine,
    My Link Ups for this week are Numbers 72, 73 and 76!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  6. Katherine, thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #11 A Few Quick Questions for Bloggers and Readers (About Ads and Affiliates). We have a variety of link parties going on right now, won’t you linkup with us?

Love each other as God loves you xo

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