Crockpot Pear Pudding

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  1. Hi Katherine! I just wanted to let you know that you are one of my nominees for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award that was recently passed on to me!ash and crafts very-inspiring-blogger-award/. I really like all your blog posts and I love all the pretty pictures that accompany them! You’re definitely an inspiration to me.

  2. Hi Katherine, Back again! Popping by to tell you that I’m featuring your Yummy Recipe tonight at the What to do Weekends Party! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. It is also Pinned on our Party Board.

  3. I love your recipe, Katherine! I’m so glad you shared it at What to do Weekends!! I’ve pinned & shared it on Instagram. Thanks for partying with us! Hugs, friend!

  4. I love that this is lactose free as my older daughter isn’t necessarily allergic to milk, but too much dairy can sometimes constipate her. And yet she loves pears and pudding, so great option for her . Thank you, Katie 😉 xoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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