Short Sentences
I write notes, ideas, topics to share and lots of lists. I have a folder full of, well…short sentences. Things I want to build on, make into a fun topic to share here, etc. But guess what, yes that’s right ( you are so good and guessing), the folder is overflowing and time is fleeting so why not jump into the deep end and just share the short sentences?

In a way, I think we often live our lives in short sentences. Not all of the time of course, but life is filled with bursts of inspiration, small moments worth sharing and brief moments we keep among our favorite memories.
I hope you find inspiration, appreciation and enjoyment in this list of short sentences and maybe they will spark short sentences for you too ( wink).

“Hold your head up” once you realize your not going to get it right every time, you can breathe.
“Chaos can be found in social networks” be careful, thoughtful and limit your time there.
“Living your life with meaning and purpose” is much easier than living your life in fear and worry.
“Culinary Adventures”are recipes to feed the imagination and the body.
“Perspective comes with faith, love, family and friends” trust in Him.
“Confidence, Courage and Conviction” the three C’s to progress and success.
“Bright stars in a dark sky”are easily found even in the daylight.
These short sentences are only a handful pulled from the folder, when the time is right and time allows I’ll be able to turn the rest into blog posts to share.
I look forward to seeing you all back here on Thursday for TFT, share your blog and discover new blogs too.
love this! it’s so simple yet so impactful & inspirational. short sentences like that can fill your heart and get your gears going all at the same time ! xo- maryjo
I love this post. The short sentences are very encouraging. This is a good list. TFS
Katherine, I can’t figure out where to click to pin from your Keepsakes by Katherine page. What am I missing?
Hi Naomi, if you have the red p for Pinterest in your toolbar (at the top of your screen) you can click it, and it will show you images to save, or just right click and save to Pinterest. Good luck with the giveaway, hugs!
To be honest ALL of our rooms need updating but I’d like to change up the living room the most.
Katie, I hope you are well my friend.
You are so clever to promote your giveaway with these cute posts!!!
I have been scheduling the giveaway to share too.
I hope you are well my friend
HI katherine, i love this! I shared a cute picture with one of my Turkish towels and our new rescue puppy on Instagram. Those towels are making appearances on a few recipes! Love them! thank you my friend! laura
Realize He is in charge of everything – and then you have nothing to worry about!
Love this and what a great idea. Thanks for sharing, Katie and hoping you are having a great week so far. Hugs xoxo <3
Love this post, its so true we do live out life in short sentences. Maybe thats good whenit comes to keeping life simple. Hugs