inspiring story to never give up

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  1. I am going with you are an eternal optimist. I love how that little petunia pushed its way first down as a seed and then up as a plant. Miracles happen around us every day and this is certainly one. Blessings for your yard sale this Saturday and have wonderful 4th of July.

    1. HI Rose! so nice to see a comment from you my friend. Yes this Saturday I’m really hoping is the qwinner. Big hugs and I hope you come back tomorrow to add your posts to the party. Hugs!

  2. I think we all have to have one or many more of those, “Think I Can” moments. Your garden and yard looks wonderful, so green and lush. You must be having rain there, also!

    1. So true. No rain here it’s ben in the 90’s but hubby tends the garden beautifully and he built a watering system this year that helps too. We had our first potatoes and carrots the other day, yum. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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