spring daffodils

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  1. Oh my gosh Katherine! Thank goodness you are safe! How are your seizures? What works best for them?

  2. Omg, Katie, I can’t even imagine an earthquake right now on top of everything else. Just glad you and your husband are OK. Sending some extra virual hugs and love your way now, my friend xoxo <3

  3. Bless your dear heart, Katherine! I am SO sorry to hear of the awful things you have been going through. I tell you, it feels like everything is so out of control right now in so many of our lives. I have also been going through such trials, and I do not know what we would all do without God to lean on and pray to in such troubled times. I trust you will continue to feel better and you and your family will be kept safe and healthy in spite of all that is going on around you. So thankful you were protected from harm during the earthquake. We sure are seeing the Bible fulfilled right before our eyes. God help us all.

    1. Cheryl, thank you. Sometimes the path ahead has ruts to trip or fall into. God is there to catch us, to lean on and provide comfort. Thank you for your bloggy friendship and lovely comment. I pray things are well with you Hugs!

  4. God Bless you and surround you with His Love and Strength.We each need to walk thru our homes a.And ask God to fill with His Mercy,Goodness and Protection.
    God has NOT given us the spirit of Fear but of Power,Love and a Sound Mind
    F false evidence appearing real
    E evidence appearing real
    A appearing real
    R real
    Faith is believing before receiving

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