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  1. Hello Katherine!! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. I look forward to reading and sharing your gracious and kind words and always end with a smile on my face and encouragement in my heart. I see all the time “thanks for reading” some blogs but your willingness to share your life with us leads me to believe your sincerity is from the heart. Thank you Katherine for being here for us. May God bless you and yours. With much love, Kelly

    1. Hello Kelly and thank you sincerely for your kind words. It’s a joy to have you as a reader. Your lovely comment is the first thing I saw online this morning and it’ll surely keep a smile on my face all day long. Stay safe and God bless. Biggest Hugs!Katherine

  2. I also pray this pandemic will be over soon. We all need to help each other during this time as I believe we’re all experiencing different feelings. Thank you this was a good read.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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