family secrets part one

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  1. How blessed you are with the God given gift. I truly believe we all have a guardian Angel (oh, how I wish I knew the name of mine) that protects us and gives us help when we need it. I loved reading your story as I love to hear how angels have walked with us and at times protected us without even our knowledge. Thank you so much for sharing your post and personal experience stories – I so truly enjoyed reading them. If we ever need help from above – now is surely the time. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Erika, yes you certainly do have a guardian angel. Maybe even two. I agree our world is a mess right now, p[rayers and angels are always welcome. God bless and hugs!

  2. Katherine,
    Bless you and your family…I do believe that there are people who have these gifts and have been able to develop them to use them for good. We always said that my mother had a sixth sense and would dream different things and then interpret them according to her own meanings of them and she was usually right. She also would get a “feeling” about things… I sometimes get a funny feeling that something is going to happen or I am thinking of someone and the next thing I know I hear from them or hear something about them.I have my Mother’s bedroom set that was bought for he as a child and things have happened in our bedroom ever since I have it…Used to scare the heck out of our dog…
    As a nurse who worked night shift in a hospital, I have also seen and heard things that there is no explanation for…I admire your bravery in disclosing this….And I applaud your honesty!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Hi Debbie! Thank you for your support and for sharing your Mothers gift. It sounds like you have some fun stories to tell. It is my understanding that animals, especially dogs can see things we can’t. I think you certainly have intuition/premonitions skills too. Sending hugs and prayers for you and yours xo

  3. God bless you and your family. I believe we are all blessed with extra sight! Usually women. Some much mote than others. I just sometimes know things before they happen. My daughter did too until she passed last year at 30 years old. Thank you for sharing. Know you will get some begative comments. Many are totally unaware of what is around and in them.

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