will you read a book with me

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  1. This is a lovely idea Katherine. I love to read and use to devour books until I had a family and my littles took over my life. lol. I belonged to a book club years ago but haven’t read for myself as enjoyment in awhile. I would love to join you since it might give me the push I need. I’ll read practically anything so either book is fine with me. I think I will personally get more out of the self-actualization read but Jennifer Gray is probably more entertaining. Thank you Katherine! XO- MaryJo

  2. I love this idea for a book club! I vote for Jennifer’s book! I just joined a neighborhood book club and am falling in love with reading g after a 25 year absence!

  3. I think this is a lovely idea & i would love to read with you! Either book would be awesome.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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