Fun things to Celebrate in January
Dear friends, gosh I’m sorry this was supposed to post on Sunday. Never mind right? The BIG holidays are in the rear-view mirror. But, there are still plenty of things to celebrate in January. I did some searching and found fun things to celebrate. These are not likely to be on your calendar, so I created one for you to download. (smile)
Today, January 5– National Whipped Cream Day. Whipping cream is one of the easiest things to make! All you need is cream, a mixer (handheld or counter top) and some patience.
January 9- National Law Enforcement Day. Our son in law if the sheriff of a city not far from us.
January 11– National Vision Board Day. I have a vision board, do you? I think I’ll revisit this topic in the future. (smile)
January 13– National Rubber Ducky Day. During one of my many hospital visits last year a nurse had several rubber duckies on top of her computer. I had no idea there were so many different types of rubber ducks.
January 18- National Soap Swap Day. This one is a new one for me! I can’t say I’ve come across this one before. How fun! My favorite soap is lavender. I always have a bar of lavender soap in our drawers, and linen cupboards.
January 21- National Squirrel Appreciation Day. I have an affinity for squirrels. I know I’ve mentioned it over the years. But they can be so entertaining! If you’re having a rough day I dare you to not smile while watching a cute squirrel video. I find a lot of giggles when I visit the
January 23- National Pie Day. Say no more, lets bake!
January 28- National Blueberry Pancake Day. Yes please!
January 29- National Carnation Day. One of my very favorite flowers!!! I always have carnations on our dining table. If you change the water every day they will last 14-16 days! Just grab a bundle at your local market and enjoy.
January 31- National Hot Chocolate Day. Perfect for adding some homemade Whipped Cream on top.
I hope you will enjoy celebrating some, or all, of these fun days. Which one are you looking forward to? I’ve created a very simple January calendar you can download below.
Celebrate every day, because it is a gift. I look forward to seeing you back here on Thursday for the TFT (Thursday Favorite Things) blog hop!
We’ll put out extra sunflower seeds for our squirrels that day.
That’s wonderful. I’ve spent many an hour watching them. Unfortunately we don’t have any running around in our area anymore. So I have to wait for day trips. hugs!