Almost sugar free Oatmeal Apple Bombs Cookies
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Almost Sugar Free Oatmeal Apple Bombs Cookies

Sometimes I just need a little something to nibble on with my cup of tea. Or with a big glass of crushed ice and Lactaid milk. Do you drink milk with ice? Hubby helped name this recipe because they are “da bomb”, giggle. I hope you will enjoy these soft Almost Sugar Free Oatmeal Apple…

Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal
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Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal

Five Great Things To Make With Oatmeal- I eat oatmeal about twice a week and I often add frozen blueberries, strawberries or fresh cut apples to mine.I put the fruit in the bowl and pour the hot oatmeal over the top. I add chopped apples and add a dash of cinnamon. How do you prepare…

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Hello friends lets make cookies!!! A new week ahead , I hope you all had a great weekend. I am happy to say I spent the weekend creating a blog makeover and new headers for clients! As promised on Friday, I am sharing my husband’s absolute favorite cookies. Oatmeal raisin cookies! Perfect for the holidays or any day ( a nice…

Apple Season Recipes

Apple Season Recipes

Hello friends, today on the blog, it’s Apple Season! Here in Utah apple season starts at the end of September and can go well into November. So, what can one do with a plethora of fresh apples? You can puree them, candy coat them, juice them, dip them and the best of all, bake them!…

Caring For Izzy Our Senior Dog

Caring For Izzy Our Senior Dog

Hello friends, caring for a senior dog comes with many challenges. We do everything we can to create a happy healthy quality of life for our boy, Izzy. But ageing for animals ( just like us) can bring with it a myriad of illnesses. He is such a blessing in our lives. We love him…

An Apple a Day and TFT Blog Hop

An Apple a Day and TFT Blog Hop

Hello friends, welcome to the TFT blog hop number 575! I’m excited to see what you share with us this week. I’m so happy you are here, please invite your friends to join us. This week’s features are all apple recipes. I think the title gives the featured blogs theme away every week though doesn’t…