Its Not All Rainbows and Unicorns
I try to always keep things positive at Katherines Corner. I am an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new…
I try to always keep things positive at Katherines Corner. I am an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new…
Turtle Pie Recipe It’s quiet here. I can almost hear my heart beating. Izzy ( our dog) sleeps at my side and the house is still. Our grandchildren are at…
Back To School Free Printables The party continues here at home as our grandchildren engage in their giggle fests, late nights and all around party time .My blog takeover continues…
Its Time For Thursday Favorite Things! The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is a fun blog hop where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your…
Life Lessons For Teachers I’m continuing the Katherines Corner takeover today with the lovely and talented Sharon, from Mrs. Hines Class. The title of her blog says it all. Class…
Strawberry Steel Oats Sundae Recipe I mentioned yesterday that I had a few surprises this week and here’s the first one! I’m giving my blog over to my sweet bloggy…
Cherry Cake Recipe Monday! Wow, am I ready for a new week…. I had a tough weekend. But, I am still here, still smiling and ready to share. I hope…
Sweet Ambrosia Corn On The Cob Last weekend we went for a drive in search of sweet Ambrosia corn. We took along a picnic lunch and knew we would end…