Thoughts on April 2021
Hello friends, I love this time of year. April brings sunshine to our front walkway when our daffy’s ( aka daffodils) start blooming. The promise of “April shower’s bring may flowers” makes me so happy. We’ve had unusually warm temperatures here lately. But a storm is on the way. We will go from 77 to 47 degrees in a matter of days. Crazy, I know but that’s springtime in the Rockies ( smile).
You can see another photo on my Instagram post HERE ,(please follow me, It’ll eventually be my only social media)
I’m looking forward to the peonies and other spring flowers in our garden. But, for now I’ll just keep smiling and enjoying our daffy’s.

We’ve also been enjoying barbecued food. Hubby really needs a new grill ( ours is about 12 years old. )But he spent hours refreshing and renewing it and now we’ve decided we’ll wait until next year.

I love barbecued veggies and simple shish kabobs are the easiest thing to make. It’s all about the seasoning your use. You can go simple with a No Salt Added Everything Seasoning HERE. Or use your favorite bottle Italian dressing, easy and delish!
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Outdoor living has become even more popular through the pandemic. Staying home means creating new places to be, without being in other places. LOL. Dragging the lawn furniture out and watching a backyard movie, enjoying a glass of wine by the firepit, don’t forget about smores or toasted marshmallows, Rain or shine, for me April is just the ultimate bit of spring awesomeness. It’s all about the Spring time state of mind.
Do you have a veggie garden?
Hubby will be planting potatoes next weekend ( weather permitting). Yukon gold potatoes are our most favorite. They are delicious no matter how you cook them. Use them in potato salad, fry them, bake them, mash them, you name it the Yukon gold potato will make you and your tummy smile.

Spring cleaning continues to be on my to do list. There’s something wonderful about meeting the new season with everything clean and sparkly. Can you believe how filthy the window screens get over the autumn and winter, wow!

a simple method for cleaning your window screens-Remove your window screens from the window frame. Prepare a bucket with a small amount of mild dish soap (I like dawn original or ivory) and warm water. Using a soft bristle brush (from the dollar store) gently scrub your window screens, rinse well with water. Wait for them to dry, then put them back into the window frames, and have a ta daa moment.
Please share your thoughts on April in the comments. I love reading your comments, they are one of the joy’s of blogging. I hope you have a lovely day and I look forward to seeing you back here on Thursday for the TFT blog hop. xo
We haven’t done a backyard movie but we’ve been out enjoying it now that it’s warm enough.
With potatoes, do you just take some you bought at the store and put them in the ground?
I know you enjoy the heat where you are ( smile) . Actually the best potatoes are grown from seed potatoes. You cut them a certain way and then they sit for 24 hours and form a kind of skin on them. Then hubby puts them into his magic soil and a few months later we have potato extravaganza, LOL