Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 111
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Its Time For Thursday Favorite Things!
The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. Your blog link will appear on 3 different blogs!
At Katherines Corner, at Sew Crafty Angel and at our guest hostess blog too.
Three times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog.
This weeks Guest co host is Katie from Katies Thoughts
Hello, I am Katie from the Katie’s Thoughts Blog. I am very excited to be co-hosting the Thursday Favorite Blog Hop this week. It’s one of the first hops I participated in, and remains one of my favorites.
I would love to tell you that my life has been everything I imagined it would be, but that’s simply not the case. I am a 30 year old single mom who works outside the home in order to provide for my family. My daughter Ashley is 5 years old and just started Kindergarten this fall. She is definitely the joy of my life and brings me smiles every day. During the day I work with young children and love helping them explore new things and embrace learning. I firmly believe there are so many things we can learn from children and I am blessed to have so many in my life.
My blog is a much needed outlet that covers a variety of topics. Some days you may hear about the Mommy part of my life. Others you might hear about the work part. Mix that in with exactly what dating is like as a 30 year old single mom (definitely didn’t think that would be part of my life) and add in a little of my creative side and there you have it. I would love for you all to stop by my little piece of the web, and I look forward to meeting each and everyone one of you.
Thank you again for providing this wonderful opportunity.
♥ If you would like to co host please contact Katherine ♥ Remember to leave us a comment if you are a new follower so we can follow you back 
Please DO NOT link and run…….visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here.
- Remember to Follow Katherines Corner,Sew Crafty Angel and our special Guest Co Host
- Please leave comments when you visit.
- Link to your post not to your blog
- Linkback on your post.( optional, but always appreciated)
- Grab the hop button code from The button page ( optional)
- No adult content blogs
- No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! ( sorry they will be removed)
- Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page too!
Please contact Katherine if you would like to be our special guest co-host.There are plenty available!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherines Corner permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Kathereines Corner Note- All features on Katherines Corner will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the hop.
Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page too please grab the linky code.
If you would like a reminder to join in the fun please just fill in your email in the box below ( this is used for reminders only )
Thank you for hosting! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Katherine ~ Thanks for hosting your party is always so full of good inspiration! Have a fabulous weekend!
Hi Kathrine,
I hate to be a nuisance, still having a ball visiting everybody.
I need to ask you a very big favour, I am following you all ways I can except linkdin, for some reason I can’t get in there today, must be slow South African internet. I had to delete my blog yesterday, as it stopped working, so I have deleted it and just got a new one up, there is nothing there, at the moment, still need to get all my stuff up, but would you please go back if you have the time or the inclination and follow me again,
Thank you so much, and thanks for the wonderful site and the hop.
I hope that you have a fantastic day,
Great big hug.
Love and best wishes.
Hi Katherine! Your hop is one of my fave’s! Thank you xo
Good evening Katherine! hope you’re having a great week!
Hi Katie! Its nice to meet you!
Thanks to both of you for hosting!! =)
I hope you have a great week!
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Hi! love your blog….Thx so much for hosting and welcoming new Bloggers like myself! come on over and visit!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Katherine! Joy to you and blessings! Thanks so much for hosting and helping to bring kindred spirits together – always fresh with inspiration!
Katie, Thank you so very much for allowing us to be a part of your hop! Have a great day!
Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura
Thanks for the hop Katie. Have a super blessed day!
Lovely to meet you Katie! Thanks to both of you for hosting the linky party!
Thanks for hostessing the party!
Mary @ Redo 101
Always fun links and posts to discover on this gloomy and cold October day.
Hi! Thank you for your hosting.
Thanks for hosting yet another great blog hop, looking forward to visiting as many of the blogs that I can, it is always an inspiring treat!
Hi Katherine and ladies, thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of the week.
Julie at
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Hi Katie….isn’t this just the best time to cook?? I am headed back to look at that acorn squash recipe! Thanks for hosting…
Have an awesome day! Thanks for hosting!
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for the hop, having a ball, always so many interesting thing’s
I hope that you have a fantastic day and evening.
Great big hug.
Love and best wishes.
Thanks a lot for hosting Katie! Have a great Thursday!
Hi. Thank you for hosting. Have a great weekend!
Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting, Katie. A fab Thursday to you!
Happy Thursday, Katherine!
What a spooktacular party. Thank you for hosting.
New here, great party. found some wonderful new sites to visit!
Thanks for hosting.
– The Tablescaper
Thanks again for hosting!
I’m so enjoying your inspiration here! Thanks for hosting and putting all this together
Today I’ve linked a recipe for Chicken Salad, a basic for a menu plan, along with some ideas for dressing it up. It’s also gluten-free, dairy-free and nut-free.
Have a beautiful week!
Thank you, for hosting this link-up! It is 9:30 p.m. in Denver and I am still working in my art studio. I am so thankful for the work! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!
Thanks for the party dear. Happy Thursday..
Thanks for hosting Katherine. Love joining in. Have a great week.
K, I’ll be back tomorrow to check out other’s blogs, but wanted to share my Mammogram Monday post in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
thanks Katherine for hosting this linky.
Thanks as always Katie for hosting and happy to once again linkup!
Thanks for hosting your great party!!!
I am a new blogger and new follower! Thank you for hosting and being willing to follow back!! :o)
Hello Katherine,
Thank you–as always–for hosting this great party. I loved your pumpkin cookie recipe and want to try it! Today I’m sharing Lasagna Rolls with Basil Cream. (that happen to be gluten and dairy free!) Have a great week and aloha, Lori
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thank you Katherine for hosting such a great link party every week. It is greatly appreciated!
Raven J. True Blue Baking