Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 123
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop- It’s Time for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop and I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. ♥ My favorite thing this week is…. A polished stone hematite necklace I just added to my Be Well Gifts shop. I love the twists in this beautiful piece.
Hematite is believed to be a calming stone providing support for your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. It is believed by many to help to balance emotions and energies between the body, mind and spirit by dissolving negativity and replacing it with the energy of Universal Love. Whether you believe that or not, there is no denying it makes a lovely necklace
Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop. The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is where you can link your favorite post of the week or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. The hop is hosted and posted on 4 different blogs! Please follow all of the hostesses. That’s right, your link will appear on the blogs of Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Vintage Mama and The Tablescaper. Four times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.
Please DO NOT link and run…….please visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here.
- Remember to Follow Your hostesses- Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Vintage Mama and The Tablescaper
- Please leave comments when you visit
- Please Link to your post and not to your blog home page
- Linkback on your post ( optional, but always appreciated)
- Grab the hop button code from The button page at Katherines Corner ( optional)
- No adult content blogs
- No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! ( sorry they will be removed)
- Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherines Corner permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Katherines Corner Note- All features on Katherines Corner will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the hop. Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page too please grab the linky code. If you would like a reminder to join in the fun please just fill in your email in the box below ( this is used for reminders only )
Hop On!
Thank you so much for the invite, Katherine! Looking forward to the blog hop each week! Thanks for hosting! Happy follower~Poppy
Thanks once again for a fabulous party! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Better late than never this week, right? Thanks for another great hop and I’ll be sure to come back next week to see what people have shared.
thanks for hosting Katie! I always enjoy “hooking” up with you and all your bloggy friends!
Thanks for hosting, it is always great to visit the other blogs, hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Katherine,
Ive been absent for ever so long. Good to be getting back into my garden again. And good to see all my friends. Hope you are having a great week.
Yael from Home Garden Diggers
Wonderful party – so many great things to click on!
Hi Katherine,
This week I’m getting ready for some great snacking by linking Garlic Cheese French Bread Bites. They’re gluten-free and nut-free, and also one of my family’s favorites. I hope you’re ready for a wonderful weekend! Stay warm —
Thanks, for hosting Katherine! Blessings to you and yours! Cynthia
Thanks for hosting! =)
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
thanks for hosting this great party katherine!
We love your blog! Thank you for hosting this super fun party.
Have a great day,
Sharon, Denise & Aubrie
Have a great week and thanks for the party!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine! I love the all white blog theme!
Thanks so much for hosting. Have a great weekend!!
Thanks as always for hosting a great party. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for hosting! I really enjoy seeing what everyone’s been up to!
Lynda H
Thanks for the party and enjoy the rest of the week Katherine.
Thank you for hosting a lovely way to meet new blogs, always find inspiration and new friends!
Good Morning
OK I am going to go visit some people who also posted today
happy Thursday
thanks for being such a great hostess.
Katherine, thank you for your kind invite to join your blog hop! I can’t wait to have the time to come back and explore your beautiful blog!
I love that you love music Katie. Thanks for hosting and have a super blessed day!
Happy Thursday! Hope you are staying warm!
Thanks for hosting and have a great day!
Thank you Katherine for the weekly party!
Happy Thursday! Thanks for the great party!
Such a fun party and lovely blogs. Thanks for hosting each week and for stopping by for visits! Enjoy the end of January
Thanks again for another awesome party!
it is a very pretty necklace. i have a few pieces of jewelry made out of stones. I also have a collection of heart shaped stones that I have found on the beaches near my house.
Thanks for hosting Katherine. Have a wonderful day! Hugs!
Always a pleasure to link up with you again! I can’t believe it’s nearly February already. This year is going fast! Thanks for hosting!
Happy Thursday, Katherine!
Hi Katherine, Hope your week is going great. Thank ;you for hosting this great hop
be back for browsing later. Have a great weekend
Thank you for hosting Katie! So excited to be part of your Favorite Things ! oxox
Thanks for hosting Thursday Favorite Things today Katherine. Appreciate joining in. Have a great week.
Hope you have a super weekend Katie.
Thanks, Katie, for the party. Have a great week!!! Linda
Your work for hosting doesn’t go unappreciated. Thank you for hosting.
Thanks again for hosting this great party!!! Can’t wait to see some of the other links!
Thanks, as always, for hosting another awesome link up party. Hope you are having a fantastic week!
Thank you so very much for hosting. Have a lovely day.
What a beautiful hematite necklace! Thanks so much for hosting and wishing you a great week. Aloha, Lori
Katherine…are you staying warm? I can’t believe what a cold winter we’ve had.
Hope your week has been filled with Extraordinary moments!
Thanks for the awesome party dear friend. So happy to link up.
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine!
Thanks so much for hosting!!
I feel likes it’s been a while! Happy I could drop by and catch up with you Katherine. Hope this finds you well!! Theresa @DearCreatives
Thank you for hosting!
Hi Katherine I hope you have a great rest of your week and thanks for the party!!!
Raven J. True Blue Baking
Thanks for hosting another fun party!
Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine!
Have a beautiful week,
Thanks as always Katie for hosting and so very happy to linkup with you as always