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  1. I still have half pack of salmon from my sushi making, this is a perfect idea for my flexi~economical food for the next coming days!
    Thanks for sharing your great ideas Katie.


  2. Love your blog Katie! So many fun posts! I love asparagus! I would really love to try your recipe! Oh and the lemon cupcakes too! : )

  3. I love salmon, I have never done it in the oven only stove top and grill, I am going to try this, it looks delicious….of course I am going to need a little drizzle of lemon butter sauce!


  4. You have a new follower! Hopping by from the blog hop! I look forward to following your blog! Come visit Mama's Little Chick when you can and say hi! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  5. This looks pretty yummy! We have wanted to eat more salmon and this looks like an easy one to start with!!


  6. Yummers. I use a similar recipe but with a one inch wide strip of prosciutto, which is wrapped around the asparagus and cooked with it.
    Now I want to try the smoked salmon too.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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