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  1. giveaway on my sidebar…#2 Thanks so much 🙂 …(total of 5 entries-follower, comment on the prize, like on FB, giveaway blinkie on my sidebar-2)

  2. I am a follower! I love this giveaway…i am very partial to ACORNS …AND…my 24 year old daughter is hosting her first TG at her Apt. I would so love it, if I won, i could share with her!

  3. I have always been upset at how retailers and others just jump over Thanksgiving. It’s way more important than Halloween. And it’s more important than Santa – tho not as important as celebrating Christs’ birth. I love your sweet giveaway items, and I now follow your beautiful blog. I enjoy it very much! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Pingback: Fernwood Park | Katherines Corner
  5. Autumn is my favorite season and I love to decorate with fall colors. Your prize package is amazing and would look wonderful in my home. Love your site and all the cute artistic touches!


  6. Hi Katherine!

    How are you? Thank you for joining in on my giveaway and letting me know that you are posting it on your page! 🙂

    I am now entering your giveaway. For some reason, I already thought I was a follower – but when I clicked on google friend connect, I realized I was not! So, I am now following along!!! 🙂

    What a wonderful giveaway! By the way, I really enjoyed your post on the pumpkin soup recipe. I am vegetarian, so I’m always on the lookout for yummy meatless recipes!!! 🙂

    Happy Fall to ya!!!


  7. Forgot to say that I NEED those salt and pepper shakers! I broke mine last year when they toppled off of the counter. Hope I get lucky….. 🙂

  8. I can’t believe how early Christmas makes an appearance in the stores! It has been up for almost a month now in several of them. I think the only reason Halloween gets a couple of aisles is because they need to make money on the candy!!
    I’d love to enter your give-away. I subscribe to you in my Google reader because Google Friend Connect is FULL! Why do they think the limit of 300 blogs is enuf? ! LOL
    hugs, Sue

  9. Excellent point about Thanksgiving, Katherine! I think more attention should be paid to the one holiday we gather to give thanks. I love Christmas, of course, but decorations are in the stores before Halloween…what is the rush?! I hope you had a beautiful week-end!

  10. Hi, Katie

    Thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday. You are so sweet and I like we are bloggy friends. : – )

    I tweeted about your giveaway.


  11. Great! Glad you remembered Thanksgiving! ~ Already following you ~ linked w/ Sisterhood Saturday ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ ~ Happy weekend!

  12. That is lovely. Orange is my favorite color too:) Following your twitter and GFC.

    Following your lovely blog. I am also inviting you to join Autumn Blog Hop 2011 at Momma’s Lounge at Momma’s Lounge ( ) where you meet more mom bloggers; shout away; add your giveaways and/or blog and business links; and get featured by sharing your crafts, recipes and interesting musings.

    You may follow me back at

    Thanks and have a great day!

  13. I love my fall holidays and give each of them their due, no Christmas decorating here until after Thanksgiving, usually the Sunday right after. I host the holiday and it takes a day or two for me to “recover”. Very nice giveaway, Katherine, and I think I have that angel! xo

  14. I agree — Thanksgiving is such an important part of our American heritage and the day really means so much to me. I hate that it gets lost in the holiday shuffle of Halloween and Christmas! It’s why my Thanksgiving decorating stays up through November 30th! I’m a follower of your blog! 🙂

  15. What lovely items for your giveaway this time around. I must admit, I actually have no thanksgiving decorations or even fall decorations. Seems the only decorations I have is for Christmas! Oh how sad is that? Great giveaway my friend. I follow you everywhere, (as you know) ~Hugs & Happy Friday!

  16. I love this giveaway and would love to win!! I have a collection of Thanksgiving decor…it is my favorite time of year. I will do all of the extra over the weekend and make sure your button hits my site.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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