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  1. Katherine, we built our home in 2004 and our basement kitchen microwave stopped working about a year later… still is installed just wasting space! I think it is about time we do a little project like this as well! Congratulations on getting your’s done 🙂

  2. Does he make housecalls – LOL! We are having to redo our kitchen after a water leak damaged the lower cabinets. I am excited and dismayed all at the same time. The timing is never right for something like this!
    Enjoy your new warm-up machine…giggle!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  3. Isn’t it nice to have a great handyman for a hubby? I have my ex-hubby who is my amazing handyman, a son-in-law, and my son, as well…and they all excel in just about every work around in, and outside of the house.
    Your hubby did a great job hanging the new microwave, and making sure it’s secure:DDD
    Katie- I will try to link up with you this Thursday…don’t know why it didn’t upload last week!

  4. I’m impressed. My husband would never tackle that! Our house is just 5 years old and our washer already had $600. in repairs and we are concerned that something is going wrong with our water heater. Our last house we had we lived in there for 17 years without any repairs to anything!!!

  5. Isn’t is wonderful to have such handy helpful husbands!! Mine is the same way and we couldn’t survive without all the work he does. Your new microwave is beautiful. It is a sad shame that things are not built to last like in the past. Happy Warm Hugs…

  6. Hi Katherine. The microwave looks great – hubby did a great job! Our washing machine broke down recently, and the Engineer said that electrical goods are only made to last for five years now. I can remember when people used to have the same fridge or hoover for the whole of their married life!!

  7. We have a microwave that has a dial on it — it just won’t quit after many years. It’s brown. 🙂

    What a great job your hubby did — looks wonderful and matches your range so well.

  8. looking good my friend! i have the same one : ) a great way to spend the weekend!!!! sending tons of hugs…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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