Time For A Picnic
It’s Earth Day on Sunday and The Nature Conservatory is encouraging us all to have a picnic. The world’s largest and most delicious Earth Day celebration ever. How fun! Everyone loves a picnic right? Remember to keep it green. Use your own plates and silverware. Also, if you pack it in ( to your picnic spot) be sure and pack it out with you.
Some foods just taste better when you eat them outside. So I gathered a few fun picnic recipes for you. Also a reminder to keep your foods well cooled to avoid tummy troubles.
Just click on the image for the recipe.( images belong to their respective blogs)
Creamy Macaroni Salad
Fresh Fruit, no recipe needed. I make this for our grandchildren .
Will you be having a picnic this weekend?
The What’s Cooking Giveaway ends on the 30th have you entered yet?
Love picnics! And the food looks yummy!
Stopping by here too from the blog hop!
We didn’t have a picnic but rather ate at Pizza Hut with family after church. Looking back, a picnic would have been a better option because we were wiped out for the remainder of the day after taking in all those carbs! Your photos are lovely as always! Big hugs, xoxo
Now that looks like a good picnic! Hope you had a good Sunday. I found your blog on the Networking Blog Hop. Happy to be a new follower
Shasta @InTheOldRoad
All the food looks so good. Your blog makes me so hungry.
YUM! This would be the best picnic food ever! Thanks for sharing your great ideas and recipes. We loved having you link up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday” and hope you’ll be back! Thanks again!! -The Sisters
I wish we were having a picnic here but it’s raining and cold (low 50s). First chance I get though we are picnicing. Thanks for the recipes. I’m going to try the fried chicken. I never make it right. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks for sharing. I’m your newest follower stopping by from the It’s Overflowing blog hop.
Perfect picnic menu – fried chicken macaroni salad and macaroons – yummy. Now all we need is the weather to enjoy it outside.
Happy Earth Day.
Picnic for sure, and I’m taking that macaroni salad with me:)
This is some fabulous post! I would definitely attend a picnic like yours. We are expecting a big storm with high winds and 2 – 3 inches of rain for Earth Day. xo
A picnic is always fun and now that we built the patio we eat outside as often as we can. Brownies are always so yummy for a picnic
A picnic sounds wonderful! love all of your menu items!
Great post! Lots of fun picnic food.
Chocolate mint cookies look good!
Hey there Katie! Glad you enjoy my Macaroni Salad
Thanks for taking it on your picnic too! Love what i’ve seen of your blog thus far, will continue reading. 
Great idea! I would love to go on a picnic! Your pic’s look yummy!
Thanks for taking my Delightful Coconut Macaroons on your picnic! Sounds like we will be having rain here this weekend so no picnic — but certainly good for the garden we put in two weeks early!
I want to picnic with you, Katie!! This all looks so good and a relaxing afternoon sounds amazing!
I love picnics! All the foods you’ve chosen look delicious. Even though it’s only 7am here, I’m starving
You will like my wifes post tomorrow!
When the temperature and humidity are reasonable I love to eat outdoors, Katie. Food always seems to taste better at a picnic. Thank you for reminding us about Earth Day. Go GREEN!
Oh ya….picnic…long time havent had picnic
No picnic for me, but that food sure looks good. Now I’m hungry… dang it, Katie!