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  1. You know I’ve been following your blog for some time and love it! I think this giveaway is a fun idea. I’m not sure of my favorite giveaway but maybe the kissing salt & pepper shakers? So cute!

    Blessings during this Christmas season!

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  3. i love all of the items in this giveaway and i would be happy to receive any of them. thanks for this nice giveaway. Merry Christmas to you and yours 😉

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  6. I wasn’t going to spend much time on the computer this morning, but I saw that little cardinal and here I am. The lap desk would be great for my college daughter. Have a good week, Katie.

  7. I would love the lap desk….this would not only be good for me, but perfect for my daughter to use as well. Thanks so much for hosting this great giveaway!


  8. Hi Katherine, I saw you comment on another giveaway how nice it was for the other giveaway to have such a large response so I decided to check out your blog and enter a giveaway!! Thanks for this giveaway! My favorite item is the lapdesk!

  9. Katherine, your blog and your ideas just inspire me. Thank you for sharing your talents and thoughts with us and being so much fun!

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  11. I follow you in several ways but I did sign up for your emails today.
    Well my current lap thingy is cracked and I would love a new one. Also I love the S&P shakers since I collect them!

  12. Your amazing and so generous! I am glad I was able to catch up and see this giveaway to enter.. just back from a 28 hour Black Friday at work shift, first day light I have seen and this is wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  13. I am excited about your surprises! The snowmen are cute too…and my son would LOVE the lapdesk – THANKS!

  14. What a great giveaway Katharine! Yes, I have come and entered. So sorry I have been a little negligent in my visits!

  15. Hi Katie,

    What a lovely giveaway! You are listed in my blog roll so I never miss any of your posts. I am also having a Giveaway here: I hope that you will stop by and enter. The drawing is December 1. 🙂

    I hope you aren’t too stuffed from yesterday…It was quiet here and just the two of us so we were able to lay about after feasting letting our food find it’s eternal resting place! Ha

  16. You are so sweet. What a cute and wonderful giveaway.
    Thank you for this opportunity.
    I adore those salt and pepper shakers. They would fit right in with my collection of shakers. Love the cardinal as well. Shoot, the whole giveaway is Awesome.
    Keeping my fingers crossed in hopes of winning

  17. What a lovely giveaway. For some reason I just love salt and pepper shakers, and those are adorable. Oh, and I love lap desks. I use them all the time.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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