how to fix watery soup

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  1. Thank you for sharing these delicious looking recipes. I love tomato soup, especially when not feeling that great, it’s a real comfort food.

  2. Glad you are feeling better…We stock up on Vitamin D and C when we feel a cold/flu coming on. Wish I could do the same for sciatica- ugh. Been down for the count 8 days now and have a ways to go. Have a nice week 🙂

  3. I’m happy to have found your blog, courtesy of Christina at Juggling Real Food. I may ask you to do some work on my blog; I know that she is happy with the work you did on hers.

    Hope you are well soon.

  4. Hello Kate,
    Thanks for featuring my recipe! I will post the button on my blog too:-) This soup really is a keeper, not only at home, but I make it once a month for a church supper and it is always the first one gone from the crock pot line ups…LOL! Hope you enjoy. So many recipes to try! I love the ham with the citrus glaze, I always use a raisin sauce for my hams, but I am going to try this one out–looks like a fantastic pairing!

  5. Very pretty photos. I’m hoping that by the time you read this, you’re feeling better. And now, I’m hungry because of your delicious photos and I need to go eat a second breakfast. 😀

Love each other as God loves you xo

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