thursday blog hop

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  1. I just stumbled over here after going through my google+ feed – so glad I found you! Love a place to share and meet new people! I hope you don’t mind the follow through bloglovin, it’s just easier to read than emails… Thanks for hosting, totally going to stop by often


  2. Hi, Katie

    I am so happy I can join you today. Pray you are doing well and winter is leaving your fair city. : ) Have a great weekend.



  3. Thanks for hosting, Katherine. It’s my first time at taking the plunge in your Blog Hop. Looks like fun and I can’t wait to visit some of the other great blogs.

  4. Just wanted to say thanks for the fun party! We submitted some of our recipes under our new sister recipe blog – Anyone can submit recipes and earn a little money and drive traffic back to their OWN blog! It will calculate nutritional value and weight watcher points. Come enter some recipes and become one of our newest chefs! -The Six Sisters

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  6. Hello and thank you for hosting! I haven’t participated in a while because I’ve been out of Blogland for a bit. Happy to be back! Now onto some blog hopping!

  7. Hi Katherine,

    I read some great comments above concerning your mail list ( using Mail Chimp and other ways to send out your emails ) =)
    I have tried “Constant Contact” in the past, and really liked their features, pretty reasonable too! =)

    I love your Thursday Link up Party! and look forward to linking up every week!


  8. Hey Katherine! I had the same email issue. I switched my feed to go out once a week instead of every time I posted. I’m getting about the same click through rate. 🙂 Just an idea!

  9. Good morning, Katherine! Hope you are having a lovely week so far. Thanks for the party. I’ve just posted this week’s Homemaking Linkup and am showing off my recipe for Fresh Strawberry Cream Torte. I hope you’ll come link up!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  10. Katie – sorry about all the technical troubles. Technology: it’s a wonderful tool when it works for us, and a nightmare when it doesn’t.
    In any case, thank you for hosting another hop and I hope you have a wonderful Thursday. 🙂

  11. Oh all those fees really add up, don’t they?! Thanks for hosting!

    PS: Through linky tools you can email all of the people who linked up the week before. It’s not as inclusive, but still helps. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

  12. I usually come to check out hte blogs even though I never have joined the blog hop but this will work itself out, Katie. Just hang in there!!! xo Diana

  13. Hi Katie,
    Thanks for hosting, I loveThursdays and stopping by! Hope you get your email figured out! Have a wonderful week!

  14. So sorry about the email mix up! No worries from me … and happy to join again this week! sorry for the absence the last 2 weeks! Hope you have a great weekend my friend

  15. Hi there my friend! Dropping in…sending hugs to you …yours and of course Mr. IZZY!!!! love to all and thank you as always a spectacular party : )

  16. No problem with the reminder I won’t forget 🙂 I have been out of the swing of things these past few weeks but I am slowly catching back up. Thanks for hosting Katherine. Have a wonderful Thursday

  17. Thanks for hosting and please no worries about the e-mail issues. I know stuff like this can get to us, but so not your fault and sure you will figure it out. Happy Thursday and thanks again!! 🙂

  18. Hi Katherine,
    I always remember your blog hop but am sad about your mailchimp woes…Thanks so much for hosting! Lori

  19. Hi Katherine, I know your pain. I went from gmail to mailchimp but, haven’t exceeded my limit yet. I worry for that day. (hugs) Thanks so much for hosting. Visiting you from

  20. Thanks again, Katherine, for a great party. Sorry you are having problems with your mailings. Please send me a reminder. It’s so much easier that way and I don’t want to miss ANY of your parties! Your friend, Linda

  21. I have never heard of mail chimp so had no idea that email had a limit. Regardless it’s o.k. on my account as I usually remember every week! 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting today!

  22. Katherine,

    Have you thought about creating another mailchimp account and splitting up your list? Another thing you can do with that many subscribers is sell ad space to sponsors on it. You can do giveaways, sponsored blog posts, etc. Others trying to build their lists, would also pay for a feature to build their lists from yours. A big list of subscribers has huge value!

  23. I come from the generation that looked down upon women who chose to stay at home. I rejoice to see a new, smart, savvy generation choosing to do so — and doing it well! Just a Dumb Housewife looks at what it means to be a homemaker — not a hosuewife, because none of us, really, is married to the house.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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