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  1. Katherine, thanks for linking up at What’d You Do This Weekend? Pinned and making these!
    Hope to see you again next week. I truly enjoy your beautiful site.


  2. Putting this one in the May issue of Ruby! Just wanted to let you know . . . . along with the blueberry muffins, the spring hat tutorial, and the promo for your new giveaway. Anything else? Just let me know ;o) Love, N

  3. I can taste the delicious lemon flavor. Looks nice and light. Thanks for sharing at The Gathering Spot. Enjoy your week xxoo

  4. I just sat down with my morning coffee. How nice it would be to have one of your lemon cups, even better to have it with you!

  5. These are beautiful. Light and cool sounding.

    We’re having a party at Tumbleweed Contessa and i’d love it if you would share these there.


  6. This looks great Katie! We have lemons on our farm. Thanks for sharing on Creative Monday. By the way, I just saw the picture of Izzy on your sidebar! He is oh so cute! Have a good day my friend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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