chicken and vegetable kebobs katherines corner

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  1. Featuring your post & your blog tomorrow on Feel free to come by & pick up a featured button if you have a place for one. As always I look forward to see what you are up to. xo

  2. Did you read my mind? lol Yum!! I have been wanting to grill kabobs for a while now! Come by & share at my party if you like. Hope all is well by friend. Theresa @

  3. How easy is this? I usually make my marinade but a bottle of dressing is so easy. I’m going to try it.

  4. I have never made or eaten shish kabobs Katie but they certainly look good to me. I just asked my mother if she has ever eaten them and she said yes and they taste lovely. Thanks for sharing on Creative Monday and enjoy the rest of your day my friend.

  5. I use Italian dressing on chicken in the crock pot all the time, but this looks and sounds delicious. And… I COULD DO THIS ONE!

  6. My kids love anything on a stick! Thanks for reminding me how good and easy kabobs are to make. I love how much better everything tastes on a grill.

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sending you and yours tons of hugs and love!!!!! Enjoy your granddaughter also! Sounds FABULOUS!!!! Give my friend Izzy a BIG Hug and tons of hugs to you too! I will make your yummy recipe…but marinate a portobello or tofu in place of the chicken…it’s funny when you are a vegetarian for as long as me…you just seem to actually see those words in the recipe in the name of the meats place : ) LOL!!!!


  8. Very nice weekend, thank you! These look yummy–I’ll try them. I must admit that I never thought about soaking the skewers ahead of time. Learned something already this morning! Thanks!

  9. We love shish kabobs and I use Italian salad dressing, too in a pinch to marinade the chicken. Thanks for sharing this recipe and hope you had a great weekend, too!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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