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  1. This would be so good on a cold day like this. You need comfort food when you’re expecting 8″ of snow!

  2. What a great idea, Katherine, that would make my husband so HAPPY! He enjoys Italian food, but being Scottish, he has a more eclectic palate which this recipe would perfectly satisfy!

  3. I love a homestyle shepard’s pie kind of dish, nothing beats it on a chilly day. Looks great, I’ll for sure be trying out your recipe! I’m trying to connect to more foodie bloggers & I loved your blog and your great photos! I’d love for us to stay connected. I’m following via bloglovin’ and g+ for now, but we can follow on all medias you like!

    1. Hi Cassandra, welcome to Katherines Corner. Thank you for your kind compliments and for following along. I look forward to our bloggy friendship. Hugs P.S. following you all over and subscribed too.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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