Take a Look Back
Happy New Year wishes everyone! Wow 2020, I wonder what amazing things will happen in the new year. As I usher in a new year it gives me time for reflection and discovery here at my little corner of blog land and it’s always fun to take a look back at some of the things you enjoyed the most.
Blogging has changed a bit over the past year for most bloggers. I think I’ll elaborate on that a bit more in a future post. Thank you all for being part of my story.
Your Favorite Recipes
My Apple Pie recipe continues to be on the top of your favorites list. It’s on the top of my hubby’s list too ( wink).

I was very surprised to see that women age 18-48 are the most interested in Katherines Corner and what I share. This was really eye-opening because..well…I’ll be 60 this year. Thank you, friends!

No matter what age you are, there are a few things you all have in common, you all like these top 6 categories-
- Life stories
- Giveaways
- Tablescapes
- Recipes
- Izzy the blog dog
- and the TFT blog party
I’ll keep looking back with a smile, you all are such a blessing. I appreciate your friendship, support, and participation here at Katherines Corner more than I could ever express.
One more BIG thank you, last year 31% of the sales I made from my shops, Keepsakes by Katherine and Zen Spirit Malas came from here (both shops have sales going on right now, too! ). You really are amazing, thank you, friends! xo

Such a great look back on the past year. Wishing you all the best in 2020!
Happy New a Year Katherine
Happy New Year, Katherine! I hope 2020 will be the best year to date for you and for your blog. I always enjoy your musings at the beginning of your posts and any craft projects that you show. Looking forward to the offerings in this new year. Blessings to you and your family.
Happy New Year, Katherine. My favorite thing is waiting to see the next theme at the TFT party. I like to hit each hostess to see the features!
Great look back!! Happy 2020 now and wishing you the best in the New Year now. Hugs xoxo <3
I am 62 and love your blog!! Happy New Year