april garden TFT features

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  1. Hi, Katherine; Gardening definitely feels like a special treat this year. Thank you for hosting another great TFT party; this week I am sharing #201 Plantain Patties. Have a great week!

  2. Hi Katherine! Being out in the garden feels so much more sacred this year. What a healing balm it can be. Thanks so much for gathering us for TFT. I’m sharing at 187, 191 and 192 today, and I have been ill for weeks so while I have been tackling projects, it has been a slow steady process. This is what I’m learning: small steps still lead to completion and wholeness. We want things to be so linear and seamless, but in fact, it’s all more spiral-like. Nature knows this. Flowers know this. But this season of uncertainty surely provides an opportunity for us to catch up. Sending peace to you and a flowering hope right where you are.

  3. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 4-13 to 4-17-20 on my blog. On Tuesday was Best Potato Salad From Grandma. Wednesday was Creamy Lemon Bars GF. Thursday was Tuna Noodle Casserole. And winding up this Week of Stay at Home is Tip Friday Safely Freezing Meat and How-To make Homemade Brown Sugar. Enjoy! Think positive!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with WHO ARE YOU BLOGGING FOR? PART 1 OF 5 and I invite you to check out my 2 current link parties, one is themed, the other is any topic.

  5. Thank you for featuring my herb pots! I’m itching to get outside and start gardening, unfortunately here in the midwest it’ll be another few weeks! Have a great weekend and stay safe!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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