easy chili recipe

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  1. Pingback: Tastes of Autumn
  2. Katie-I love your chili with the combination of all those different beans. and love, love, the addition of the sirloin steak, instead of ground meat. There’s so many flavors, and spices going on, that I can just smell the wonderful aroma from the most amazing chili. such a nice cornbread to have it with the chili!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I can taste it, sounds so good. Thank you so much for sharing. My very first visit here I will follow on my way out so I know my path back here. Perhaps you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to engaging more throughout the year and beyond. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  4. Mmmmmm, looks delish! I make the easy peasy chili right out of my pantry…Lazy Girl that I am! LOL! Yours no doubt is tastier! And, the cornbread – yum! I’m hungry!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  5. Hi Katherine, this sounds alot like a recipe I got from a friend that she calls steak chili. She served it at a party and I loved it. I haven’t made it yet, but I’m going to pull it out and compare the two tomorrow. I have a really easy chili that was my mom’s recipe. It’s called ‘Quick Chili”. Everything is from a can. Surprisingly it’s quite tasty. Nice when you’re in a hurry. I made tortellin Spinach soup today. It’s been snowing all day and I love a hot cup of soup on a snowy day!

  6. Sounds delicious. I think it is funny how we can open up a can of chili to eat yet when we make chili it takes a village of cans!

  7. This chili recipe looks amazing! I love chili in the winter, too, especially with a big pan of buttery cornbread… 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    PS: Just wanted to let you know that I’m following your GFC from the Monday Mingle GFC/G+ hop. I’m Katie from W

  8. mmm sounds yummy, it’s a bit warm.37c very hot here at the moment so I will have to leave out the chilli, but certainly a must try
    xx jeanetteann

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