chili stuffed cornbread recipe

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  1. Looks really goood! Pinned
    I was just wondering – do you want the pinterest link included in the comment or would you rather not have it? I will leave it out the next time I pin something if you rather not have it.

    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Veronica! Thank you for pinning you are so sweet. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do. No need to share the pin address, but thank you so much for your thoughtfulness I love knowing when someone pins something from Katherines Corner xo

  2. I’m loving this! You always bring such amazing things to our party. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you tonight at 7 at our party. I can’t wait! Lou Lou Girls

  3. That’s different. A creative way to put the two things I like together. Thanks for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday Link Party. I hope to see what you have to share next week

  4. Happy Birthday Izzy! I am a big fan of cornbread and chili as well, although I have never had them together. I am partial to Cincinnati style chili since it’s what I grew up on and we use oyster crackers. Yours looks delicious and I might have to think outside my comfort zone though. It’s a bit funny to think of chili as a comfort zone, haha.

  5. You had me at cornbread!!! Yummy! Thank you, Katherine, for linking up with Waiting on…Wednesdays! I hope you come back next week!

    Happy Birthday, Izzy!

    1. Aw Jas you are such a sweetie. Izzy received a yummy chew bone for his birthday ( bacon flavored) he was a happy boy all day. XO P.S. I Maybe your hubby would like the chili and cornbread ( wink)

  6. First and foremost, Happy Birthday Izzy!! You look so content on that sofa back taking in the world.
    Katherine, Thanks for sharing this recipe as you travel the Hormel Kitchen journey. It looks yummy!

  7. I don’t normally comment on post but I just had to say thank you for the wonderful recipe idea. I will most certainly try this one myself as I love cornbread and chili, just never thought of mixing them this way.

  8. My grandmother always used to make us cornbread as a kid, but never with chili in it. I still do love cornbread though from this and might have to try with your recipe here. Thanks Katie xoxo 😉

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