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  1. I am a lemon girl too, Katherine, and these recipes look and sound yummy. Fresh lemonade is my dh’s favorite summer drink, thanks for sharing your recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh my, I love lemons, anything lemon. That would be ever since I would suck lemons as a child. Didn’t suck eggs though!
    I feel a lemon day coming on. Thanks for sharing your lemonade recipe and sharing the others. Can we say pinning. Thanks folks. Ginger

  3. I wasn’t even aware that so much could be done with lemons. My 8 year old will love making that lemonade.

    Thanks for following my blog.

  4. The Lemon Bars. When my Mom was dying of cancer all she would eat at night was a bite or two of sweets. I asked her what sweet she would want and she always wanted a lemon bar. You see in the 20’s when she was young, her Mom aIways made them for her.So it was a important memory taste for her. I made them fresh for her and we enjoyed them together over tea by her hospital bed at her house. If she woke during the night she would sometimes ask for another bite of the lemon bar. When someone you love is dying, it is absolute joy to be able to give them what they want in their last days. I will never lose that picuture of her enjoying just a bite of a fresh baked lemon bar. Wonderful sweet, heartbreaking memories, I still cry 3 years later when I see a receipe for Lemon bars and I have not been able to eat one since. Maybe someday. I had to stop going to coffee shops because they all sell them and I would start crying at the sight of a yummy lemon bar. Just the smell of Lemon right now still gets to me but I adore lemon flavored baked goods. Your receipes are divine, I am putting them away in my receipe folder for someday in the future to bake in memory of my Mom .

  5. I am addicted to lemonade but have never made it at home (silly now that I think about it…) so I will bookmark this page and give it a shot!

  6. All of these lemon yummies are really tempting me today. I hope you are doing well, and happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter.

  7. Lemon is one of my fav drinks, and i love the lemon donuts.. Thanks for sharing once again.. I have a question, what type of camera do you use for your shots?? And thanks for sharing the hop with your readers. Wishing you a great week :-))

  8. What an absolutely ‘refreshing’ post! I think I could just about sink my teeth into everything shown here! Happy Monday to you sweet Katherine! xoxo

  9. Hi Katherine. My, you’ve certainly had a busy weekend my friend. Like you, I love lemons, and all the recipes for us today look really scrummy. Thank you for sharing!

  10. This makes me smile as I remember the girls faces all puckered up as they salted and then attempted to eat their lemon wedges I’d served with our grilled Salmon last night. We Love lemons too , so I’ll be sure to visit the sites you’ve shared. Thanks.

  11. Lemon anything is so very refreshing. Thank you for sharing such delicious looking recipes. Sounds like you made lots of family memories this past weekend. Blissful Lemony Sunshine…

  12. Hi Katherine,
    I also love lemons! I have some in my kitchen at this time. Wow! So many wonderful lemon recipes are featured here. Thanks for sharing this on Creative Monday and have a great day.

  13. I used to love lemonade, not sure why it doesn’t appeal to me anymore. Makes my mouth pucker just thinking about it. I do love lemon cake.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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