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  1. Just in time for blueberry season. I have to shoo the birds out of my bushes everyday, they’re pecking the berries right off the branches. Because I’m lazy, I’ll take the shortcut of buying the tartlet shells. I’m sure it be as tasty as yours, but what can I say….I’m spending my time chasing birds out of the patch. Thanks for the treat. This will be perfect at knitting circle this Saturday.

  2. I’m not a big blueberry fan, unless in a muffin — but this is a lovely looking treat.

    Oh, and I love your header… is it new?

  3. Anything that requires an actual shell, I’ll leave to the more experienced. I can screw one up faster than you can blink. More than a graham cracker crust is beyond me.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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