Thursday Favorite Things weekly Blog Hop

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  1. You know, a maxim of good financial sense is to use what you’ve got, and right now, at my house, that’s zucchini. Of course, if I hadn’t planted eight plants, I wouldn’t be so richly blessed with the stuff.

    My article this week is number 221, Eat seasonally and cheap with zucchini pasta toss, because, seriously, you can only eat so much zucchini bread, and every now and then people in the household like something for dinner that looks like . . . dinner.

  2. Hi Katherine, how are you? When I was in Europe for a month I wasn’t able to link, because I only had my Ipad with me (can’t open more than one window at a time). Since that I’ve been back it has been a roller coaster. Hope your having a good summer?

  3. Wow, Katie…I’m so impressed to see such a long list of bloggers linking up to your fabulous Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!
    Thanks for hosting, and have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

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