make it monday week seven

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  1. I was excited reading this post, lol. First strawberry muffins, then I saw toasted marshmallow with coffee (what??? that sounds delicious!).

  2. Thanks a bunch, Katherine for featuring my summer porch! It is an honor to be included with the other wonderful features 🙂 Happy Monday~hugs, Poppy

  3. Katherine, thanks for the nice feature of my Spicy Cheesy Jalapeño Bread. Have a wonderful week.


  4. Katherine, thanks so much for including my Asian Inspired Meatballs in your features. That coffee and those donut cookies look amazing, I’m off to visit those 🙂

  5. Could have sworn I left a comment, but not seeing it here. Just wanted to say huge thank you for featuring my article here today with all the other wonderful articles. Happy Monday Katie and hoping your week is starting off right so far!! 🙂 xoxo!!

  6. Aww, huge thank you for featuring my article here today and seriously so honored to be featured with all these wonderful and great articles. Hugs and hoping you are having a wonderful beginning to your week so far!!! 🙂 xoxo!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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