Between the Lines Blog Series Week Five
Between the Lines Blog Series Week Five-
Welcome to another week of “Between the Lines”, the blog series where I introduce bloggers age 50 and older you should be following! Katherines Corner is my cyberspace happy place. I love sharing with you and I am so overjoyed at the response to this blog series. We have had a few drop outs and others asking to reschedule, so I may extend the series by a week so I can accommodate some of the requested changes. I want you to meet as many Between the Lines bloggers as possible. Just a reminder that they will be asking me questions after everyone has been in the spotlight.
Are you ready to meet some more fabulous bloggers of a certain age?
Meet Ligeia blogger at Trueheart Gal, she is a well educated and lovely woman who worked very hard to create her best life. She studied in Bologna Italy and she found her hearts one true love later in life. She and her hubby opened a vineyard/farm. You must read about all of the animals that call her farm ( vineyard ) their home. She shares posts about the farm, adventures and life.
I asked-Do you allow embedded links in your posts? Yes – I do allow embedded links in my posts. In fact, I use them all the time!
Can you play and instrument? I am so sorry to say that no, I do not play an instrument. As a kid, I played the flute, guitar and piano. I always complained so bitterly about having to practice, and so as soon as I grew up I stopped playing. I cannot say how much I regret that I do not play anything.
Meet Jodie, Charlotte and Nancy, bloggers at Jodie’s Touch Of Style. Three lovely bloggers one blog. Related and sharing their style tips and frugal finds. They are all retired and loving it. Jodi was a cosmetic dentist and after 20 years she decide it was time to retire her practice and share fashion. Charlotte is Jodi’s Mom and a retired home economics teacher who inspired Jodi’s love fashion. Nancy is Jodi’s step Mother, she is a retired first grade teacher and has more energy than the students she used to teach. They select a style and wear it three different ways depending on age. You will notice a delay when you click on their blog in the list it only takes a few seconds and then the blog shows up.
I asked-Have you read any of the books on blogging?
Charlotte (Jodie’s mom—the 70’s model)–not at all. I have to admit, I’m not very proficient on the computer, but with Jodie’s help, I’m slowly getting better at it!
Nancy (Jodie’s step mom—the 60’s model)—I haven’t read any books on blogging. However, I have started reading more blogs now that I’m part of one.
Jodie (the 50’s model)—I had to laugh at this question. Isn’t is an oxymoron since anything about blogging should be on the computer? But no, I didn’t read any books. Instead I would read tons of other fashion blogs when I was researching for my blog. When I didn’t know something, I learned to google it. That and I would ask for my husband’s help since he has a Masters in IT.
If you could have a room makeover ,which room would it be and why?
Charlotte (Jodie’s mom—the 70’s model)–I need to start working on my kitchen. I’ve been in this house since 1996 and the counter tops have faded from the light that comes in through the skylight.
Nancy (Jodie’s step mom—the 60’s model)—I’m ready to start redoing the master bathroom and bedroom. Jodie & I have even gone shopping for the new tile for the bathroom; however, other projects have gotten in the way since then. It’s on my to-do list!!
Jodie (the 50’s model)—Since we just moved into our place 6 months ago, I got to redecorate every room then. Except the garage since it was too cold in the winter. So we are scheduled to get it organized and in working order in the next couple of weekends! Since I love organizing and decorating, this will be fun and therapeutic for me!
Meet Nikki blogger at Gwin Gal- Her blog is dedicated to DIY home and garden. She shares room updates and makeovers too. She will have you ready to start a new project.
I asked- How often do you check your followers/subscribers numbers? At this point in my blogging career I check my numbers daily. I decided to start this blog just a couple of months ago and it’s all very new to me. I am still trying to learn the best times to post, and best places to share, and bloggers to mingle with, so I am trying to watch the numbers fairly closely. I do hope to get to the point where I feel comfortable and this isn’t necessary. Right now, it’s kind of an obsession.
”What is the name of your favorite movie? I love movies. Especially old movies. Whenever I sit down at home with time on my hands, the first channels I check are AMC and TCM. But my longstanding favorite movie is Groundhog Day. Bill Murray is a favorite of mine and this movie in particular has special memories. When my pre-teen kids first watched it with me, my oldest thought the actors name was Bill Birdy. I have called him that ever since and I smile when I explain myself . “Watch that first step! It’s a doozy.
Meet Debbie blogger at Blogger Loves the King . Debby writes a Faith based blog. She is married to her high school sweetie and she walks the path that God provides and shares it with you.
I asked- Do you think you blog more often in the colder months? I don’t think I blog more in the colder months. There is so much beauty every month and always something to write about whether it is winter, summer, spring or fall.
Are you excited about the summer temperatures? The summer temperatures here in Texas are HOT, but I handle that much better than the COLD. I do not like ice and do not like wearing coats. Give me the Texas summer with my shorts and flip flops and the swimming pool in the backyard. I can always come inside if it’s too hot and enjoy the air conditioning.
Meet Marci, blogger at Stone Cottage Adventures. She lives in an old rock farmhouse built in the 1930s. There are two greenhouses, a vegetable garden, herbs, several flower beds, lots of hobbies and too many pets. Marci shares recipes crafts, diy and gardening. She just recently turned 50 .
I asked -Is your blog monetized?and Have you ever been to a palm reader?
No, to both of those questions.
Sometimes I accept books and other items for reviews and every once in a while I will accept a sponsored post.
There is a palm reader in a town just to the south of ours. Perhaps I should give it a try?
Meet Sue blogger at High Heels in the Wilderness, don’t you just love her blog title! You can learn all about it on her about page. She is a retired high school English teacher so I hope she doesn’t mention and dangling participles of grammatical errors, LOL. She enjoys spending time outdoors and she shares her adventures, fitness, and fashion with you. There’s a sparkle in her eyes that will let you know straight away that you will enjoy her blog.
I asked– About pages are so important, do you have one? I do have an “About” page. But I didn’t for ages. Mostly because while I write about my life and my interests in my blog, it seemed too much like writing a resume to create an “About” page. Eventually, I wrote a post about why my blog was called High Heels in the Wilderness. About the fact that while I love fashion and make-up, I also fish and wilderness canoe with my husband. And about the fact that growing up I was part tomboy/grease monkey, working with my older brother in the summer on the well-drilling machines that my grandfather owned, and part la-di-da lady who loved to drink my tea from my Mum’s china cups and saucers. My mum used to wonder when I would make up my mind who I was. But of course, who I was became a combination of both halves of my personality. Hence, High Heels in the Wilderness. And so that post eventually became my “About” page.
Where do you get your news? Online, television, etc. As to where I get most of my news from…well…I am a fan of CBC radio, the national public broadcaster here in Canada. So I follow the morning news, and cultural programs on CBC when I am able to listen. But I also get a lot of my news from Twitter. I follow several news sources, some broadcasters, and several news magazines on Twitter. And I catch up with what they’re posting while I’m pedaling my exercise bike. Sounds weird, but when I’m working out on my exercise bike I either listen to mystery novels on my i-pod, and flick through Pinterest, or I catch up on Twitter, clicking on links to interesting articles. Not just hard news, but also cultural affairs, articles on books, fashion you name it. So I keep abreast of what’s going on i the world and keep fit at the same time. Win, win.
Meet Nina, blogger at Vintage Mamas Cottage. Nina is a dear friend and we have known each other for several years. Her giving and supportive spirit can be felt by all who visit her blog. Nina is the Chief Editor for the Christian Woman’s Magazine Ruby for women. But her blog focuses on her love of creativity, family and vintage clothing. Many of you will already know Nina, she is one of my co hostesses For The Thursday Favorite Things link party.
I asked-Do you write your posts in the morning or in the evening and why?
I write my blog posts whenever I find a few quiet moments in my life! With two teenagers still at home, and all of their school and extra-curricular activities, it is often challenging to find time to do that at all. But I do my best to stay on track and get my posts written on time.
Morning is my best time because I am a morning person, and there is no telling what I might write (or how well I might write!) any time after 8:00 p.m. Besides, we are usually doing homework and making lunches for the next day about that time of the evening.
So if I can get my blog posts written first thing in the morning, that’s the best time for me!
Do you binge watch, which television show?
I do not watch television much at all . . . . after years of raising kids, there just wasn’t much time left over for watching television, so I never really even knew what was on television for a really long time!
Now the only time I “binge” watch is when I am sick and can’t do anything else. Then I like to watch British dramas and mysteries. And the only regular program I watch (even when I’m not sick!) is Masterpiece Theater on Sunday nights. That’s it.
There are several series that I watched last winter when I had the flu and bronchitis:
Bomb Girls
Foyle’s War
Wish Me Luck
Call the Midwife
Downton Abbey
Pretty much anything that is set during WW2 and tells the stories of people who lived during that time period.
It is a pleasure to highlight all of the lovely bloggers in the Between the Lines blog series .Get to know these fabulous bloggers and meet even more here every Tuesday for the next 7 weeks. Please send a little comment love their way too. Comments are like hugs.
At the end of the series all of the participants will asking me questions!
If you miss any of the bloggers of a certain age posts, you can catch up HERE
“BETWEEN THE LINES” a blog series created by Katherine from
Please visit this weeks Featured Bloggers by clicking on each blog in the list below ♥
I hope to see you all back here tomorrow night ( 7 pm MST) you can start linking your blog early for the Thursday Favorite Things link party.
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I spend more time on google plus then I do on facebook.
What a great idea for a series! I am already enjoying a few of these blogs and will take a look at several others!
This is an amazingly creative concept. I am so happy that I found your blog. I would be very pleased if you would consider adding one your blogs to my link up at the Senior Salon which I publish on Wednesdays. The more of us that come to know and share our creativity, the richer the world will be.
What a cool idea for your blog series! As a 50-plus woman blogger, I really enjoy seeing featured women bloggers I can relate to–so inspiring!
gingerwroot .com
I am a 50+ self-published author, looking for interesting blogs to follow. Thanks to Jodie for letting me know about this site!
Wonderful lineup this week, Katherine! I read and commented on each. So nice to get to know these ladies!
Once again, a great group of ladies that you featured! Pam @ Everyday Living
So many cool bloggers in this series.
This is the first time I actually already knew a couple of the bloggers.
Thank you for hosting this lovely series! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
And I forgot to mention in my first comment….did that delay when you go to my blog just happen this morning…or have you always noticed it? It’s the technical difficulties that drive me crazy at times!!! But it’s all good!!
I am enjoying this series. I wish I had joined in. I am WAY over 50, LOL!!!!
This is such a fantastic idea! Great way to connect and find other bloggers over 50. Looks like I have some blog reading to do.
What a great post Katherine. I will visit the over 60, lol..
Katherine—not only has it been fun to meet new bloggers, it’s also nice to see ones I already follow. And to get to know them better!! Thanks so much for doing this fun series!!
Thanks so much for doing this Katherine! I am finding that I already follow a few of these ladies but I am very happy to find more like minded bloggers to follow.
Such a beautiful tribute to women over 50, I am thrilled you do this! Will head over to visit each one.
Aw, another wonderful week and so sweet of you to accommodate others and extend still, too. Happy Tuesday Katie and sending some hugs your way!! xoxo <3