plum and berry crumble recipe

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  1. Rather colourful and looks so delicious Katie! I have not baked recently but hope to soon again. I have been cooling out with my favourite flavour of ice cream, grapenut. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I love summer crumbles! This one sounds delicious Katherine… the last one I made was with peaches, but I’ll have to try this combination.

  3. I don’t recall ever having a dish with plums in it, although my grandmother had plum trees and was an excellent cook/baker. How odd, now that you made me think about it. Although I don’t trust my memory for squat.

  4. Oh, this is sooo yummy looking.
    So glad that you tried it for me making sure it’s just right in the tasting department. :}
    Bet this would be good with strawberries and blueberries as well.
    Thanks 4 the recipe

  5. I’m making something similar for tonight’s dinner with blueberries and nectarines. It seems it has been very warm in Houston and I’m glad to be away for a while though no place is perfect. We’ve been having lots of rain in Maine.

  6. Mmm…sounds heavenly. Too bad my side cant get fresh berries. It’s very expensive over here

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