white pitchers

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  1. What a beautiful space you have Katherine! So cozy and inviting – I’d love to hang out and create with you! 🙂

  2. I love seeing your creative space Katherine. And it’s you in every way! I love that your decor is your props and other pretties waiting to fly into action. And, dreaming is a part of creating…how nice to have a dreaming couch! [wink]
    p.s. it takes a while to get around to all these wonderful spaces. 🙂

  3. Wow! Love everything here! SO pretty in pink! Your work space with the long white desk and pretty chair is my favorite. I need to make my house a home again! I wish some days my kids would fly the coop! They are older and terrible housekeepers!

  4. I love when I get to see bloggers in their element! Very nice Katherine. I also want to stop by and tell you I have added your button to my sidebar on my new site. {I moved from wordpress hosting} so now I can display my bloggy friends and you are one for sure!
    The Adored Home

  5. Oh My! I want that Craft room, not one like that, THAT one!!! LOL It’s so lovely and peaceful, I wouldn’t be able to leave that room! I love it!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Cami @ TitiCrafty

  6. My space is multi purpose, serving as my surfing space, my computer workshop, my office and is home to many piles of get round to it reminders. I can watch the back yard and am watching Cedar Waxwings and Robins steal my Saskatoon berries, I have seen quite a number of different birds through this window. It also looks out on the flight path to the city airport and less than 5 minutes ago was thrilled to see a RCAF f18 Hornet do a flyby. My creative corner is as small or as huge as I need it to be.
    Liked your post, it is hard to believe that a man actually lives in this house lol.

    1. How wonderful that you can see beautiful wildlife from your window. I have a view of the lake from the window of the art room.We do our bird watching downstairs from the living room, dining room and kitchen. You make me laugh. This is the only “girlie” room in our house. Hugs

  7. What a lovely creative space Katherine! I have the exact Ikea table and chair in my little studio too 🙂 I love its practicality and clean lines… thank you for sharing your studio.

  8. Love your creative space!! I hope to be able to do this to my closet in my Craft Room once Joe and I retire and we can get rid of closets full of Nursing Scrubs and Postal Uniforms!!!


  9. Your creating space is wonderful – I would totally put a day bed or large sofa in my studio (if I ever have one!) so I could have a little nap or just rest.

  10. Katharine,

    Very beautiful room – filled with so many lovely things and organized – a nice place to be creative and also just sit and relax. LOVE IT!

    Thanks for linking to the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT

    Sharon and Denise ♥
    Fashion | Food | Beauty | Antiques | DIY | and much more

  11. Lovely nooks – love all the detail -very inviting and comfortable space. Thank you for sharing

Love each other as God loves you xo

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