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  1. Hi there. I’m stopping by from the blog hop. I Can’t wait until spring & summer time. I’ve already had enough of this cold weather. I love Caprese Salad’s. They’re one of my favorite fishes in the summer time. I’m now following you through Twitter. I hope you’ve had a great Tuesday.


  2. this is always a favorite of mine! live on it in the summer time : ) always makes me happy!!!! sending hugs to you and of course my little friend IZZY!!!!

  3. The first time I had this salad was at a delightful restaurant in Columbus, OH called Martini’s while there for a conference. Just seeing the picture made my mouth water. Thanks for sharing this….Marie

  4. Before we eliminated dairy from our eating this was one of my favorite salads. I now still prepare it just without the cheese and it is still delicious!!

  5. Your salad looks so good! =)
    I like tomatoes, especially ones fresh from the Garden!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!
    Melissa @ My recent favorite books

  6. Oh my goodness…this recipe makes me crave the warm days of summer, fresh goat cheese (even though this calls for mozzarella), fresh tomatoes from the garden and fresh basil. Spring, summer and fall are my favorite seasons; winter makes me appreciate the other three. Hehehe.

  7. That looks really yummy! I can’t have the typical Caprese salad any longer because I can’t eat cow’s milk products, but I can eat goat cheese so I make this that instead. It is a slightly different taste than the mozzarella, but still very good especially when using really good EVOO.


  8. I love Caprese Salad. I wish that spring would start making a slight appearance in NJ but they are saying maybe a Noreaster on Wednesday. YUCK!


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