what I know

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  1. I know that I know nothing for certain lol!! This year has been a whirlwind and Im ready for it to be over. Hopefully we can have an amazing year ahead!

  2. Katherine, so many great truths here! You are not your disease…this is a big one for me that I am always preaching. And life is not a movie. I have a few friends who seem to think they can model their lives after certain movies…and I am watching it result in self destruction…as I keep reminding them that their life is not such and such movie. But I guess one truth I know is that people must learn their own truths…they cannot be taught from someone else’s lessons. Wishing you a very happy, healthy, and blessed New Year!


  3. I’m glad to hear you had a white Christmas. It’s a precious time to spend with family and friends. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.

  4. I loved reading all your “What I Know” items, Katherine. Some of the things you know are the same things I know! One at the top of my list which relates to many others further down is “Love is Everything.” When you live your life attempting to affirm that truth you will be on the right track.

    Blessings to you as we start a new year, dear friend!

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the post Naomi, it is a pleasure to have you as a subscriber. It’s easy for me to agree with you on that one, love is everything. Wishing you and yours only good things for the new year. xo

  5. Aw, Katie glad to hear you had a White Christmas. We thought we were going to, but it ended up raising. Although after the rain turned very cold here now. But still was a wonderful time and still on holiday mode a bit with New Year’s looming now. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, as always xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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