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  1. I’m so glad you decided to stay, and I can imagine what a tough decision that must have been. I hope you know how much you inspire us – I certainly come away from every post with renewed optimism and excitement! I don’t comment on every one, but I love them all! Thank you for continuing to share the beauty you find in life – I hope you’ve also found balance and joy with it! Lots of love –

  2. I’m so very glad you decided ot keep blogging! Your presence in blogland is such a positive light! Even though there are many shy ones out there, like me who may not be telling you as often as we might, we are so gratfeul for you and your positive and loving kindness!! xo

  3. Hi Katherine! Love this post! I am so happy you took a pause and came back to the blog. It feels different now in an amazing way! I hope we do another blog hop this spring! It was fun to meet new bloggers and see a few I have followed for years! xo Happy New Year! laura

    1. Thank you so much Laura, yes absolutely lets find ways to make bloggy joy. I’m definitely thinking about more “on a tray” blog hop/tours. Happy new year my friend! xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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